Prompt mental health care (Rask psykisk helsehjelp)
Prompt mental health care (Rask psykisk helsehjelp)
Rask psykisk helsehjelp care offers treatment for anxiety, mild depression, concerns about increased alcohol or substance use and sleep-problems. Examples are panic attacks, feeling down, excessive worrying, stress-related problems or trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night.
The treatment is mainly based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).
You might be in our target group if:
- You’re not in need of emergency healthcare
- You’re older than 18 years
- You’re not currently referred to or receiving other forms of mental healthcare (for instance from a DPS (distriktspsykiatrisk senter))
- You’re not currently receiving other services related to mental health from the municipality
Due to the ongoing pandemic we offer services via video calls or telephone for the time being.
Contact information
If you want more information please contact us by submitting this form:
You will receive a call from us to find out whether we are the right service for you. We will call you between 09.00 and 15.00 from telephone numbers 91 61 37 75 or 72 54 85 00.
If you need help filling out the form, you can reach us between 12.00-12.30, on this phone number 91 61 37 75.
Our visiting address is Holtermanns veg 70 (Trondheimsporten) 9th floor.
We point out that there may be changes in our services due to the corona situation.
Our services
Due to the ongoing corona situation, our services might change on short notice.
Prompt mental health care (Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp) offers guided self-help (Veiledet selvhjelp). The method involves an online self-help program, in combination with regular telephone guidance from a cognitive therapist for a defined period of time. The program contains information, exercises and tasks, and gives you the opportunity to work actively with your problems. We have programs for anxiety, depression, sleep problems, worry and stress/burnout.
Research on guided self-help indicates that it has a good treatment effect on mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
We can also offer up to seven sessions of individual therapy (based on cognitive behavioural therapy), if guided self-help is not suitable for you.
Group treatment
We offer group treatment for anxiety, depression, stress and insomnia - the groups are held in norwegian only, and requires that you are comfortable with communicating in norwegian. You can read about the groups here.
Counselling regarding alcohol use and/or other drugs regarding yourself or next of kin
If you have concerns about increased alcohol or substance use regarding yourself or next of kin you can talk to us.
We can offer:
- Counselling and guidance
- Conversations with focus on change
- Information about other suitable treatment options
Sist oppdatert: 17.01.2022