Mental health care

Mental health care


We all have a mental health, which includes how we feel and what we think of ourselves and our environment. Our mental health will naturally fluctuate throughout life. If you struggle with mild anxiety, depression, insomnia, or have concerns about increased alcohol or substance use, there are many steps you can take on your own to relieve the problem. View the headlines reading Information and online self-help and Rask psykisk helsehjelp for more information.

If your struggles with the topics above are severe, long lasting and seriously affecting your quality of life, look to this* site for more information and contact info. If you need help to reduce or stop alcohol or substance use, this* site will provide you with more information and contact information. Your GP/fastlege can also refer you to specialized treatment if necessary.

* These webpages are only available in norwegian. 


Information and online self-help
  • Healthy life centres. The centre offers stress management, coping with fatigue and chronic pain as well as help with lifestyle changes regarding physical health. Contact information for Trondheim.
  • Online self-help: 8-10 weeks self-help videos based on cognitive therapy, created by a norwegian psychologist. The topics are depression, panic/anxiety, social anxiety, long-term sleep problems and short-term sleep problems. The programs are free, and no registration is needed.
  • Online self-help: Text based self-help site with various guides designed to help with depression, anxiety, healthy living, overcoming problems and many other topics. Based on cognitive therapy.
Rask psykisk helsehjelp (Prompt mental health care)

Rask psykisk helsehjelp - prompt mental health care - is an easily accessible short-term mental health service for recently emerged mild to moderate mental health problems (such as depression, anxiety and insomnia). You do not need a referral from a doctor, you simply submit our contact form online and we will call you back within a few weeks and help you determine what kind of help will best suit your needs.

More information.

Sist oppdatert: 06.04.2021

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